
Edward massaged his seventy-three-year-old back as he sat in his cramped attic. When he opened the largest box, he laughed out loud.

“Grandpa?” Maddox tapped his phone and removed his earbuds. “What’s that?”

“My old vinyls and my record player.”

“Cool. Play them for me.”

Edward’s heart swelled with pride.

Continue reading “Revival”


Cancel culture canceled his job, his fiancée, his condo lease over an online comment he wrote fifteen years ago that he forgot about and regrets as an adult.

Silenced, he found his voice, again, writing fiction from his van down by the river, living the nomad life on public lands.

Continue reading “Silenced”

Her Choice

She walked out the front door, grateful to be free after a difficult year. Free to inhale deeply the crisp scent of the morning’s frost. Free to absorb the songbirds’ cheerful choruses.

Her freedom revived her for a few moments, until the lock-down officers clamped the handcuffs over her mittens.

Continue reading “Her Choice”


Are we alone?
I wandered the cave’s ice-water-cold rooms carved out of bedrock. The little children’s sobs echoed in the darkness. The trolls no longer roamed the chiseled passageways. Could we escape? As the only teen, the dire responsibility fell on me.

I fingered the magic wand in my pocket.

Continue reading “Escape”


“Look at her.”
“Which one?”
“The red sweater. Quick, sit up,” Felix purred to his sister. “She’s coming with the shelter volunteer.”
They posed in their kennel.
The woman held the two cats and nuzzled them. “I’ll take both of them.”
Felix sighed. “We did it. We’ve rescued another human!”

Continue reading “Rescued”

Set Me Free

Honorable H. P. Child, Esquire:

Dear Sir,

I received your kind correspondence this week. I very much appreciate you thinking of me whilst the demands of your political schedule abroad consume you.

Your proposal will set me free from widowhood’s cage. I humbly accept.

Yours most sincerely,

Madelaine P. Smith

Continue reading “Set Me Free”

The Visit

Angels filled the night sky with song. A light, brighter than hundreds of campfires, illumined our fields. Trembling with anticipation, I entered the stable, my lamb in my arms, and knelt before the manger. My lamb nuzzled the infant. His weary mother touched my cheek.

Tears blurred my vision.


Continue reading “The Visit”

Take Me Away

Barely able to put two sentences together, her brain feeling heavy, fuzzy, weary, Louise said good-bye to the team, walked across the business campus, and waited for her Uber driver.

Fourteen-hour days, constant meetings and reports. I’m not living.

Her Uber arrived.

“I’ve changed my destination.”

“Where to?”

“New Zealand.”

Continue reading “Take Me Away”


The witch tempted me with a boiling, unruly potion.

“It’ll transform you, my dear, into your hidden personality.”

Curiosity over-ruled me. I drank. I screamed at the mirror’s reflection.

Red-ruby lips, a nose clear of blemishes, and an eye bright with innocence and wonder.

“What horrid being lives inside me?”

Continue reading “OMG!!”

Self Talk

I’ve heard it before.

You think you’re so smart. You think you’re always right.

No, I don’t think I’m so smart. I don’t think I’m always right. His narcissism can’t deal with the fact that he’s sometimes wrong.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead before meeting with my boss.

Continue reading “Self Talk”


He slammed on the van’s brakes when he saw the deerstalker hat and calabash pipe.

He texted the psychiatrist: I found him. 5th street bridge. He’s safe.

Head Nurse Derrick approached his ward and whispered, “Mr. Holmes, it’s time to return to your room. Dr. Watson is waiting for you.”

Continue reading “Elementary”

The Belovèd

The cathedral’s bells caressed Segovia’s hills, then echoed off into the Spanish countryside. Burdened with a broken heart and engagement, she stared at the brutalized crucifix inside the chapel.

“So realistic.“

Grief stricken, she turned to walk away.


She gasped, turned, then looked. Hope filled her weary eyes.


Continue reading “The Belovèd”

The Game

I moved like a specter through the dark parking lot, the lights of the stadium blazing behind me.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

He found my detective’s badge. His K-9 found the fentanyl.

“I’ll just keep this,” he said.

I smirked. “One of these days, Lieutenant, you’re going down.”

Continue reading “The Game”

What If

The man and the woman walked in the garden, the soft grass embracing their feet. The breeze caressed their naked bodies, mimicking their tender kisses moments before.

“Psst, eat this fruit,” said the serpent. “You’ll be wise.”

“No,” shouted Eve.

Adam smashed the snake’s head with a rock.

“We’re free.”

Continue reading “What If”

He Made It

Proceed At Your Own Risk

Warning: Before you read "He Made It", I need to let you know it's a bit of "cozy horror" rated PG-13. It suggests something unpleasant that might occur during an apocalypse. Some readers might feel queasy and others might recoil in disgust. Others have applauded me for the twist at the end with a hearty "Wow, I didn't expect that." Your mileage may vary, so if you feel any hesitation, feel free to skip this story.

Eddie and Sylvia survived the apocalypse in their bunker. Six months later, Eddie was in bad shape. His stomach clenched and growled with hunger. He needed more than rations. He knew what he had to do.

“Eddie, where’s the dog?”

He turned the filet on the grill. “I don’t know.”

Continue reading “He Made It”