Book Store
Welcome to my book shop, and as you can see it’s a work in progress and I don’t have many books, yet.
Yet. Ah, but I have plans! Subscribe to Jenise’s Journey for occasional updates via my email Newsletter. You’ll receive a free eBook for new subscribers.
Mission: Undercover Bingo (2016, April)
Update: 22 April 2021 - I've removed this eBook from It was an "experiment" in using a Print on Demand (POD) service. I learned lessons that I plan to implement in the future. Plus, the cover I created is "butt ugly", and I'm going to design a new cover. ;-) When the eBook is available again, I'll update this page and send the news to my Subscribers.
April 2016, I published my very short-short story, “Mission: Undercover Bingo” via just to give self-publishing a try. My idea for the story came from a prompt from Writer’s Digest [ link ].
This under 1,000 word short story has readers chuckling at the humorous, surprise ending. What will the young heroine do to save her beloved grandmother’s reputation from the nasty antics of a crotchety old man? This funny short story will entertain you when you have little time, then let you go on your way with a smile. (A modern Western, family rated, safe for work.)
Prices vary on the ePub sites, and are set by
Update: 22 April 2021 - I will set my own price once I upload this eBook to a new platform. The price will be much lower than the price set by
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