Short Story on
I’m grateful to announce that one of my flash (short-short) stories that I had posted for critiques by my fellow Scribophile members was published today on!
The Story Behind This Story
I wrote this story in an email-thread format, an unusual format for either print or online journals. What does that mean? I tell a story through various email messages between two “senders”. I wanted to experiment with the email format for a short-short story. My thoughts? The jury’s still out; I’m not sure how I feel about writing a story entirely of email message exchanges (or text messages as well). But, it’s a good story with a happy ending, so please select the link above and read it on CommuterLit.
I submitted this email-format story to various journals. Over a dozen rejected my submission. They encouraged me, but the format caused them pause, meaning they didn’t feel comfortable with this novel story structure.

Not for CommuterLit.
My thanks to editor Nancy Kay for her support of emerging authors and for her openness to unique story formats.
© Copyright 2019—Present, Jenise Cook, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Thank you for reading. Come along on my adventures.
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Thank you, E. D.! The Scrib community helped by giving me feedback. I appreciate your encouragement!