I love this place. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. I play with my friends anytime I want to and eat good food every day. I’m happy here, but I feel like something’s missing.
Oh, the Rainbow Bridge has appeared. Some new friends must be crossing over.
Mom! Dad! You’re here!
© Copyright 2020—Present, Jenise Cook, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
First Published: 24 April 2020, The Friday Fix (on Medium.com)
Republished: 26 September 2020, JeniseCook.com and on Twitter
Image Credit: 825545 on Pixabay.com
The Story Behind this Story
April 21, 2020, our sweet Mattie (a McNab Shepherd x Blue Heeler mix), around 16 years old, crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Despite the stay-home guidelines for COVID-19 in our state, Mattie’s veterinarian and the vet tech came to our home on their lunch hour. Mattie was tired. She was giving up. We are forever grateful to our vet and her assistant for helping Mattie, and us, to have a quiet, peaceful transition at Mattie’s home.
RIP, baby girl. We’ll miss you forever.

Thank you for reading. Come along on my adventures.
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